Urban Scout Madlib Contest!

Remember “Madlibs?” I sure do. Most of the insulting letters I receive bring me back to my childhood with their goofy middle school high-jinks. As a theraputic way of dealing with these letters I have decided to turn them into Madlibs for your enjoyment. Please fill it out and post your version in the comment section below. After two weeks I will close the challenge and announce a winner who will receive a signed and framed photograph of your favorite celebrity anarchist… ME!

Remember, fill out the words before you read the fill-in part otherwise you’ll spoil all the fun! Please ignore/work around my grammatical errors. The clock says 12:20 am and I just want to go to bed now.

Show your support and appreciation for Urban Scout

21 responses to “Urban Scout Madlib Contest!”

  1. Well, it has been said that laughter is the best medicine.

    Thanks for giving me a laugh today!


    ps – what are you going to do with the money in your tip jar, buy us coffee???

  2. Dear Urban Scout,

    You and the other ‘primitivist’ worms are digging beets. I’ll give you octopus for having a sense of conversion (as opposed to your bedmates James Dobson and Frank Zappa), but then you err on that stratosphere. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster peanut is sloven. I imagine you might mean well, masticating to other hipsters or what-the-acid ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all just hemp, right? The rantings, daily teas, and love life of a fringe kitty do not constitute a primitivist snow. You’ve only looked to mainstream efforts to co-opt and greet discussions that would otherwise happen about the creating collapse. The mythmedia.org odor was even pessimistic. Literally fashion onions and steak parties to benefit your Internet? In the truth of rewilding? And under an ‘excitement’ section? I don’t get education. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.


    Douche Blood

  3. DeAnna

    Dear Urban Scout,

    You and the other primitivist masters are running spinster sisters. I’ll give you elephant for having a sense of granite (as opposed to your bedmates Englebert Humperdink and Daewon Song), but then you err on that raven crap. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster stranger is fucked up. I imagine you might mean well, fucking to other hipsters or what-the-starfish ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all, just a platinum album, right? The rantings, daily pancakes, and love life of a fringe shipwreck do not constitute a primitivist collapse. You’ve only fucked mainstream efforts to co-opt and masticate discussions that would otherwise happen about the masturbating collapse. The mythmedia.org schmarmy-ness was even malphigian. Literally fashion asswipers and cash parties to benefit your squirrel? In the ferret of rewilding? And under a weasel section? I don’t get actual crap. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.

    Douche Man

    haha! I especially like “The rantings, daily pancakes, and love life of a fringe shipwreck do not constitute a primitivist collapse.” And also, will you make sure and send out a notice for the next “Fashion asswipers and cash party”? Thanks!

  4. pete-scavenger

    Dear Urban Scout,
    You and the other ‘primitivist’ frisbees are farting kangaroos. I’ll give you weed for having a sense of chocolate (as opposed to your bedmates Paris Hilton and George Clooney), but then you err on that shoe. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster probe is greasy. I imagine you might mean well, vomiting to other hipsters or what-the-beer ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all, just a refrigerator right? The rantings, daily corn chips, and love life of a fringe airplane do not constitute a primitivist bong. You’ve only masturbated to mainstream efforts to co-opt and hump discussions that would otherwise happen about the squirting collapse. The mythmedia.org efficient was even sexy. Literally fashion gorillas and underwear parties to benefit your anus? In the cheese of rewilding? And under a family section? I dont get exercise. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.

    Douche Fortress

  5. These are all so fucking good. I’m in tears I’m laughing so hard. Wow. I needed this! Keep them coming folks!

  6. Dear Urban Scout,
    You and the other ‘primitivist’ hot tubs are coruscating baskets. I’ll give you wound for having a sense of eczema, (as opposed to your bedmates John Travolta and Meatloaf), but then you err on that dictionary. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster lump is turgid. I imagine you might mean well, humming to other hipsters or what-the-lunch ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all just a spinster, right? The rantings, daily carnivals, and love life of a fringe kitten do not constitute a primitivist spittle. You’ve only munched to mainstream efforts to co-opt and graft discussions that would otherwise happen about the tonguing collapse. The mythmedia.org recondite was ever many-hued. Literally fashion Venutians and monkey parties to benefit your ape? In the orangutan of rewilding? And under a bonobo section? I don’t get marmoset. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.

    Douche Baboon

  7. Dear Urban Scout,

    You and the other ‘primitivist’ cats are fumigating wombats. I’ll give you castle for having a sense of talisman (as opposed to your bedmates Matthew McConnaughey and Richard Linklater), but then you err on that tree. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster graveyard is bluesy. I imagine you might mean well, smoking to other hipster or what-the-beef ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all, just a chicken, right? The rantings, daily pigs, and love life of a fringe sheep do not constitute a primitivist goat. You’ve only jacked to mainstream efforts to co-opt and stew discussions that would otherwise happen about the cooking collapse. The mythmedia.org refulgent was even dogmatic. Literally fashion powders and mojo parties to benefit your root? In the banjo of rewilding? And under a ‘corn’ section? I don’t get tobacco. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.


    Douche Snakeskin

  8. Dear Urban Scout,

    You and the other ‘primitivist’ permaculturalists are chopping rewilders. I’ll give you boxcar for having a sense of computer monitor, as opposed to your bedmates Ben Folds and Leonardo DiCaprio, but then you err on that tungsten. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster portrait is sliced. I imagined that you might mean well, orienting to other hipsters or what-the-pamphlet ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all, just a telephone cord, right? The rantings, daily tanned hides, and love life of a fringe piece of cordage do not constitute a primitivist drywall. You’ve only clicked to mainstream efforts to co-opt and ring discussions that would otherwise happen about the beekeeping collapse. The mythmedia.org metropolis was even fungal. Literally fashion ecotopias and himalayan mountain parties to benefit your zip drive? In the merino wool of rewilding? And under a ‘firewood’ section? I don’t get tote bag. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.

    Douche Bumper Sticker

  9. wildeyes

    Dear Urban Scout,

    You and the other ‘primitivist’ geese are charging sandwiches. i’ll give you magic for having a sense of planet (as opposed to your bedmates Paris Hilton and Antonio Banderas), but then you err on that beeswax. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster opera is frenetic. I imagine you might mean well, muffing to other hipsters or what-the-spackle ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent. Urban Scout is, after all, just a stubble, right? The rantings, daily theses, and love life of a fringe fork do not constitute a primitivist drum. You’ve only sidewalked to mainstream efforts to co-opt and salvage discussions that otherwise happen about the banging collapse. The mythmedia.org boondoggle was even opulent. Literally fashion basins and water pistol parties to benefit your thong? In the ring of rewilding? And under a ‘watchtower’ section? I don’t get dictionary. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.

    Douche Beer

  10. Richard

    Dear Urban Scout

    You and the other ‘primitivist’ monsters are cranking mooncalves. I’ll give you tart for having a sense of sunshine (as opposed to your bedmates The Undertaker and Tiny Tim), but then you err on that flapjack. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster tugboat is awry. I imagine you might mean well, pontificating to other hipsters or what-the-phallus ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all, just a sponge, right? The rantings, daily buzzes and love life of a fringe ghetto do not constitute a primitivist shanty. You’ve only mongered to mainstream efforts to co-opt and stream discussions that would otherwise happen about the biting collapse. The mythmedia.org spellbound was even chronic. Literally fashion puppies and cake parties to benefit your dunderhead. In the cradle of rewilding? And under a pimple section? I don’t get grunt. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.

    Douche Tomb

  11. Dear Urban Scout,

    You and the other ‘primitivist’ feet are stumbling fish. I’ll give you pajama for having a sense of kumquat (as opposed to your bedmates Angelina Jolie and Dick Cheney), but then you err on that frankfurter. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster carrot is sleepy. I imagine you might mean well, snowboarding to other hipsters or what-the-howitzer ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all just bustier, right? The rantings, daily sheep, and love life of a fringe target do not constitute a primitivist goat. You’ve only exploited to mainstream efforts to co-opt and shoot discussions that would otherwise happen about the healing collapse. The mythmedia.org repulsiveness was even questionable. Literally fashion knees and giraffe parties to benefit your convertible? In the dragon of rewilding? And under a ‘popcorn’ section? I don’t get peach. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.


    Douche Sock

  12. Jana

    Dear Urban Scout,

    You and the other ‘primitivist’ frogs are splashing lintballs. I’ll give you paint chips for having a sense of zipper (as opposed to your bedmates David Hasselhoff and Oprah), but then you err on that rubberband. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster lampshade is crocodilian. I imagine you might mean well, crunching to other hipsters or what-the-horseradish ever, but you’re only making a bat of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all just spit, right? The rantings, daily chimneys, and love life of a fringe toaster do not constitute a primitivist toilet scrubber. You’ve only threatened to mainstream efforts to co-opt and spray discussions that would otherwise happen about the wiggling collapse. The mythmedia.org trampoline was even spackled. Literally fashion squirrels and tractor parties to benefit your poop? In the bucket of rewilding? And under a ‘leather’ section? I don’t get blanket. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.


    Douche Salamander

  13. django

    Dear Urban Scout,

    You and the other ‘primitivist’ lawnchairs are kickboxing piano keys. I’ll give you black box for having a sense of soccer ball (as opposed to your bedmates Dave Chapelle and Sean Hannity), but then you err on that lemonade. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster hubcab is secondhand. I imagine you might mean well, firefighting to other hipsters or what-the-arsonist ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all just coffee cup, right? The rantings, daily Kentuckians, and love life of a fringe vasectomy do not constitute a primitivist thimble. You’ve only slow roasted to mainstream efforts to co-opt and restring discussions that would otherwise happen about the defacing collapse. The mythmedia.org wood-paneled was even royal. Literally fashion authors and applause parties to benefit your hospital? In the scar of rewilding? And under a ‘retainer’ section? I don’t get bass guitar. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.


    Douche Steak

  14. mingo

    Dear Urban Scout,

    You and other ‘primitivist’ pincushions are fornicating porcupines. I’ll give you an existential treatise for having a sense of gourd (as opposed to your bedmates barack obama and star jones), but then you err on that thimble. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster toaster oven is crepuscular. I imagine you might mean well, pirouetting to the other hipsters or what-the-whisker ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all, just a soup ladle, right? The rantings, daily pygmy marmosets, and love life of a fringe blowhole do not constitute a primitivist incandescent lightbulb. You’ve only congealed to mainstream efforts to co-opt and disembowel discussions that would otherwise happen about the festering collapse. The mythmedia.org pagan was even elephantine. Literally fashion gargoyles and belly-button parties to benefit your pantaloons? In the jingle-bell of rewilding? And under a “fundamentalist christian” section? I don’t get doughnut, I really don’t. And I don’t want to.


    douche harpy

  15. mikejustice

    Dear Urban Scout,

    You and the other ‘primitivist’ cats are vomiting. I’ll give you feet for having a sense of woman (as oposed to your bedmates Kate Winslet and Todd Haynes), but then you err on that ambulance. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster storm is naked. I imagine that you might mean well, baking to other hipsters or what-the-husband-ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all, just a Mexican, Right? The rantings, daily feet, and love life of a fringe dancer do not constitute a primativist George Michael. You’ve only fried to mainstream efforst to co-opt and stomp discussions that would otherwise happen about the attacking collapse. The mythmedia.org smoky was even illegal. Literally fashion lesbians and dog parties to benefit your Indian? In the cauldron of rewilding? And under a movie section? I don’t get actor. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.


    Douche Tabloid

  16. Richard

    I admit it. I cheated. I admit my crime so the guilt will cease it’s nagging. Mine originally read ‘daily cones of ice cream’, and I changed it to something too fitting for believable chance because I didn’t want to win. Surely someone else deserves such a majestic prize more than I.

  17. Marie D.

    You and the other ‘primitivist’ viruses are stalking rugrats. I’ll give you earth for having a sense of moon (as opposed to your bedmates Ziggy Stardust and Ralph Nader), but then you err on that bamboo. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster throat is weird. I imagine you might mean well, moping to other hipsters or what-the-soapscum ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all, just a mold, right? The rantings, daily landscapes and love life of a fringe skyscraper do not constitute a primitivist subway. You’ve only throttled to mainstream efforts to co-opt and maul discussions that otherwise happen about the sweating collapse. The mythmedia.org plastic was even fragrant. Literally fashion forests and stamp parties to benefit your coin? In the ticket of rewilding? And under a ‘door’ section? I don’t get window. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.
    Douche herb

  18. You and the other ‘primitivist’ hummingbirds are skulking skunks. I’ll give you hat for having a sense of pancake (as opposed to your bedmates Neil Diamond and Little Donnie), but then you err that fire. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster water is rotund. I imagine you might mean well, thwacking to other hipsters or what-the-chunk ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all, just a love, right? The rantings, daily yes men, and love life of a fringe wenus do not constitute a primitivist clone-a-willy. You’ve only spontaneously combusted to mainstream efforts to co-opt and return discussions that would otherwise happen about the revitalizing collapse. The mythmedia.org revitalization was even nasty. Literally fashion teacher’s aids and stairway parties to benefit your heaven? In the blueberry of rewilding? And under a ‘rash’ section? I don’t get rat butt. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.

    Douche Discussion

  19. nicko

    Dear Urban Scout,

    You and the other primitivist birds are squawking boars. I’ll give you vole for having a sense of mole (as opposed to your bedmates Jared Diamond and Thomas Malthus), but then you err on that ostrich. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster parrot is fucked up. I imagine you might mean well, foraging to other hipsters or what-the-bear ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all, just a lion, right? The rantings, daily tigers, and love life of a fringe goose do not constitute a primitivist duck. You’ve only survived mainstream efforts to co-opt and build discussions that would otherwise happen about the destroying collapse. The mythmedia.org natural was even serene. Literally fashion lakes and earth parties to benefit your wood? In the rock of rewilding? And under a water section? I don’t get air. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.

    Douche Owl

  20. snowraven

    Dear Urban Scout,
    You and the other ‘primitivist’ countries are dancing chiwawas. I’ll give you lunch for having a sense of rhythm (as opposed to your bedmates Michael Jackson and Ginger Spice), but then you err on that turnip. Trying to make rewilding just some new hipster t-shirt is boring. I imagine you might mean well, singing to other hipsters or what-the-donkey-ever, but you’re only making a mockery of yourself. Perhaps that’s your intent? Urban Scout is, after all, just a salami, right? The rantings, daily feathers, and love life of a fringe ostrich do not constitute primitivist parking-lots. You’ve only shimmied to mainstream efforts to co-opt and eat discussions that would otherwise happen about the gobbling collapse.
    The mythemedia.org disaster was even grimier. Literally fashion underpants and nipple parties to benefit your poodle? In the dungeon of rewilding? And under a ‘enema’ section? I don’t get B12. I really don’t. And I don’t want to.

  21. […] The grand prize of the Urban Scout Madlib Contestâ„¢ goes too…Snowraven! The classic lines, “Literally fashion underpants and nipple parties to benefit your poodle? In the dungeon of rewilding? And under a ‘enema’ section? I don’t get B12. I really don’t. And I don’t want to,” Won me over. As well as your, “excessively, Douche Train.” I can’t help but hear those words ring to the music of Cat Stevens, Peace Train; “Glide on the douche train…” Though I have my doubts that nipple wasn’t intentionally placed there, I gave you all the benefit of the doubt. […]