Urban Scout Goes International, This Time in Europe!

Positive Living Magazine did a write up about me in their latest issue.

8 responses to “Urban Scout Goes International, This Time in Europe!”

  1. fix your .pdf link – it says “www.urbascout.org/”…no “n”.

  2. jhereg

    very cool!

    could have been clearer on why civ is unsustainable, but, all in all, great exposure!

  3. Yeah… Don’t know how to fix it. Just right click on the link and say “save link” or something.

    I agree Jhereg.

  4. Christine

    Wonderful news Scout, where in Europe?

    When, where and why? Yah!!!!

    Hugs for you Scout!


  5. williaum

    Haha, how perfectly cyclical )or spiral?( to have a “Good News” journal write up this article on you and rewilding.

    @Christine:See how they spell it ‘civilisation’? This magazine comes from the UK…What, you can’t see it? Try the following link here (I hope I can use HTML tags in these comments, or else you will have to manually copy the above link — and I will look like a fool 😉

  6. Dear Williaum aka Willem?

    Yes I know the Brits and the Americans select their own methods spelling thier precious words.

    Had no luck following your link, and you are not a fool, but a kind human that tried to share infos that I truly have an interest in.

    Best, Christine 🙂

  7. Me again, Christine presently in the bushes of NS in a cottage surrounded with a beautiful landbase, that I am nuturing and loving dearly. I wish I had the tools to make oak flour, but I will soon be moving onto another landbase with also many oaks that will enable me to make the oak flour that Scout so kindly suggested to make, with mortar and pestel I presume. 🙂

    Now then, Willium, did find the page with many thanks, and sent the entire page home to review in peace and quiet.

    Love to all, Christine

  8. Aloha Scout!

    You inspire me with a lifestyle that my inner Wildebeast has longed for, now, for so long.
    I look forward to learning with you in the future!
    Keep on freein this rockin world!
