Tag: rewilding
Week4: Foraging a New Path
RSS Feed Finally Working
Thanks to my friend Raven, my RSS feed is finally up and working. So all you peeps who want to subscribe to my shiznit can do so. Thanks Raven!
Week3: My First Vlog: Raw Materialist
[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/NTzr_Jax7MU” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]
Can You Handle It?
Today I put a handle on that bone blade I made.
My Money and Me
Recently I received a message from a Myspace stalker who said to me: “…you live through your inheritance without a real job soaking up earth skills… i wouldnt mind trying that inheritance thing out sometime…” Despite his insanity and lack of understanding of anything about this project, I still feel on the defensive. I generally…
Sauer Kraut
As some of you may have read early on, Sasha and I eat based on the Body Ecology Diet. Part of this diet involves eating lots of fermented foods, such as Sauer Kraut. I’ve meant to photo-log making it for this site, but kept forgetting until today.
Too Stoned to Make an Axe: Hittin’ it too Hard
Why I Hate “Brownies”
I got a myspace message today that totally exemplifies why I hate Brownies (AKA Tom Brown Jr. Fanatics).
Week 2: Projectile Vomiting!
I can’t believe two weeks have passed already. Time really flies, especially when you have a million and one projects to work on!
Hot Rock Experiment
Yesterday I tried to boil some rain water with hot rocks I gathered. I also started the fire in my tipi, an experiment gone wrong in the past. The following explains the results.
My First Hunt
The plan seemed simple; kill a squirrel with a throwing stick. Of course I knew that a lot more goes into hunting, but what? I’ve read all about it in books, but the only way I can internalize the lessons (for me at least) requires pulling the trigger (so to speak). Though I came home…
Week One: Introducing My Laundry List
This week kicked off nicely. Then I realized I needed to do my taxes, and Mythmedia’s taxes. I also begun editing the video interview I did with Derrick Jensen last fall (which totally rocks btw!). I’ve also done some work at REWILD.info, though not as much work as Wilderix! I also began to go to…