Rewilding Goals

Now that I have a consistently inconsistent job (again), it means I can’t really keep a weekly blog… Because what I do for money doesn’t relate to rewilding at all (quite the opposite actually). Those weekly blogs have felt like a fucking chore always anyway and I haven’t focused on actual instructional blogs. So now that I work all crazy days and hours I will switch the format a bit here and instead of boring accounts of weekly adventures, I will create a giant list of goals for blogs that I will write when I have the time. I didn’t start writing here to talk about the philosophy of rewilding, I started writing here to teach physical skills you can do to rewild. I plan to switch back to this idea as I finish up saying what I have to say about the philosophy of rewilding (than try to find a publisher for that book). I also plan to start teaching more classes. I’ve decided against doing mostly free classes as in the many years I have done so, always the people who pay for classes give you more respect. I will still hold free rewild camps from time to time, but stay tuned for seeing some interesting classes offered here.

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One response to “Rewilding Goals”

  1. Christine

    Sorry Scout, about your present situation.

    Means to and end perhaps?

    Doing what it takes in order to do what you truly wish to do?

    With luck, perhaps the publisher will come to you!

    Best wishes always