Project Ready

Today was my evaluation for the project. Basically Lynx goes through all your gear and then asks you about your physical and social status, things like, “Are you feeling well enough?” and “How are you getting along with everyone in the group?” I’ve felt really good about my health and about everyone in the group and I have almost all my things ready. It felt like a breeze. I’m really looking forward to camping in the woods with all this primitive gear for the next month or so.

Here are all the things I have brought here or made here that I’ll be bringing on the project.

Primitive Back-Packing Gear


And here are my clothes:

Buckskin Clothes

3 responses to “Project Ready”

  1. Christine

    Looks great Peter!

    Have a wonderful time camping with your new found friends in the beautiful forests and all that is within that surround you!



  2. Awesome!

  3. Christine

    Peter, one added note, you wear your buckskin clothes very well 🙂