Category: General Blog
Week35-36: …You know, chillin’.
I have spent the last couple weeks getting things ready for the art show in D.C. and writing more of my Born to Rewild book. I finished my camo jacket, brained the raccoon twice… long story. Anywho, no time to type here now. Got other shit to do. I go to D.C. on Monday! —…
Rewilding My Teddy
My rewilding runs deep. You can see the first tipi I ever made in this photo. I used Maple wood and paper towels. It did not hold up in the rain. Underneath “Happy Bear” (I called him that because of the perma-frown on his face), sits a bow and arrow made from a bent stick…
Agriculture Vs. Rewilding
In order to understand the destructive nature of agriculture you must understand the phases of ecological succession.
Voting Vs. Rewilding
Voting, the last bastion of mind control that civilization keeps on many of us anti-civilizationists. I mean, why not vote? All you have to do involves scribbling in a few bubbles and dropping the paper in a box. Voting can’t hurt, right? …Wrong!
Robots Vs. Rewilding
Week33: Hibernation & Storytelling
The days have become short. I find it hard to get out of bed in the morning. I crave more protein. I would rather sit around a fire in a warm room and do absolutely nothing but stare into the ashes. But I have things to do.
Derrick Jensen Comes To Portland!
“Civilization is not and can never be sustainable.†This is the first of fourteen premises in author Derrick Jensen’s revolutionary book Endgame. For the last decade Jensen has written articles and books concerning the problems of civilization and what we must do about them. In Endgame Jensen challenges the values and tactics of some of…
Urban Scout Discovers Cure For Cancer!
I don’t see any other gentle way of saying this; I have cancer. Don’t freak out now, it won’t kill me. I found out a while ago, but haven’t said anything because I wanted to learn more about it before sharing something this personal with the world. They call it, “basal cell carcinoma.” It refers…
To a Future More Feral Than Fiction
I thought I would post my the text of the intro I gave to the Road Warrior at the film center. I hoped to film it, but that sort of fell through. Anyway, enjoy!
Back to the Feral Future
Road Warrior Sunday October 28th, 7pm, $7 WHITSELL AUDITORIUM 1219 SW Park Avenue Portland, OR 97205 This Sunday (October 28th) I have the pleasure of introducing Road Warrior (the sequel to Mad Max) at the Eco-Sicko film series. Get in your most wicked post-apocalyptic attire and come on down to watch this classic, prophetic film…
Rewildfire in Portland!
IgnitePortland Thursday October 25th, 6-9pm @ Wieden & Kennedy 224 NW 13th Ave Portland, OR 97209 FREE IgnitePortland, an evening of interesting, 5-minute-long power-point presentations happens this Thursday, and yours truly will give a 5-minute presentation on “The Art of Rewilding.” Urban Scout goes to Wieden & Kennedy… Holy shit!
Poseur-Hipster-Douchebag of the Year Award!
I noticed that my blog hits jumped to a lot more than usual yesterday, and holy shit people have spent a lot of words on my behalf! Someone linked to me at MetaFilter posing the question: Urban Scout. Sincere crusader for sustainable living, or poseur hipster douchebag? Well it seems the Internet nerds, who have…