Category: Food

  • Oh Canada, Goose

    A while back I sent out a call seeking urban hunting tips and an anonymous person suggested the Canada Goose as a potentially less polluted animal for the urban hunter. Since then I have begun to look deeper into the lives and ways of the Geese People. In my studies I found geese truly magnificent…

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  • Nosferatus Need Nixtamal

    I love chips. Anyone who knows me, knows I have an insatiable hunger for them. I can eat a whole bag without blinking an eye. Of course, afterwards I feel like crap but that has never seemed to stop me. On my current diet, I am only aloud to eat blue corn. Last week I…

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  • Seeking Urban Hunting tips

    Hey peeps. I need your help. I’ll tell you the plan, then ask what I need. The Plan: I will eat roadkill, but as it is an oportunistic source of food, it is not reliable. I need to hunt for protein. I’m planning on mostly sticking to the old throwing stick. I can get squirrels,…

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