Category: Essays

  • Sapiens or “How I Decide to Read a Book”

    For a while now people have been recommending the book “Sapiens.” So I looked it up. As I glanced over it I realized I that I have a methodology and order for how I grade a book before I decide to read it. Here is the process I go through in order to decide whether…

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  • Towards an Understanding of Cultural Appropriation in Rewilding

    Sometimes in rewilding people purposefully or unintentionally culturally appropriate. Here’s some idea of how to be respectful while rewilding.

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  • Civilization Vs. Rewilding

    This has felt like the most difficult chapter for me to write. I’ve tried several times and deleted everything. You would assume that writing “Civilization Vs Rewilding” would come very easy, since civilization means the exact opposite of rewilding. Than I got to thinking. Most people don’t know what civilization means. They use the word…

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  • Domestication Vs. Rewilding

    How can we define wild? Now understanding that hunter-gatherers greatly manipulated the environment, than where do we draw the line between wild and domestic? If rewilding means the process of un-doing domestication than we must examine and look at the words; wild, natural, unnatural and domestication as we have come to know them and their…

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  • E-primitive: Rewilding the English Language

    I owe almost everything I know about rewilding language to my friend, author and teacher Willem Larsen from the College of Mythic Cartography, from the day he introduced me to “ePrime” to more currently as his obsession with animist languages sends reverberations through the rewilding community with his invention of “ePrimitive” an even further in…

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