
  • Uncivilize Podcast Interview

    Jennifer Grayson recently interviewed me for her Uncivilize Podcast. We talked about some very important issues in rewilding. Check it out:

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  • Rewilding & Anarchy w/ Kevin Tucker || The Rewilding Podcast

    Anarchy is a central component to the rewilding movement, and as such it is here that I wanted to place my first interview. Today I’m chatting with Kevin Tucker, an anarchist writer, editor, and publisher who has been writing about primal anarchy for over twenty years. He is the author of the book For Wildness…

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  • An Introduction || The Rewilding Podcast

    An Introduction || The Rewilding Podcast

    In this introductory episode, I talk about my story: who I am, where I came from, and what rewilding means to me. This episode sets the context in which the rest of this podcast will reside. Resources:Rewild or Die by Urban Scout (My moniker)Press Interviews over the last 13 yearsTom Brown Jr. Ishmael by Daniel…

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  • Sapiens or “How I Decide to Read a Book”

    For a while now people have been recommending the book “Sapiens.” So I looked it up. As I glanced over it I realized I that I have a methodology and order for how I grade a book before I decide to read it. Here is the process I go through in order to decide whether…

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  • Anarchy Radio w/ John Zerzan

    I had the pleasure of chatting with John Zerzan this week on Anarchy Radio. I had a lot more to say, but an hour goes by so fast. Any time I do a public interview these days I am afraid I will say the “wrong” thing or leave out an important tangent or core principle,…

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  • Roadkill Tips

    The Willamette Week called me to talk about the new roadkill law in Oregon, and asked me to share some tips for picking up and preparing it. A New Oregon Law Makes It Legal to Eat Roadkill. Before Strapping That Deer Carcass to the Top of Your Subaru, Here Are a Few Helpful Pointers.

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  • A Long Overdue Look at The Ayahuasca Industry

    I’ve had many feelings about ayahuasca over the years; curiosity, indifference, repulsion. In reading The Cull of Personality, I realized that my perception of ayahuasca was all wrong: my feelings about the plant and the psychoactive spiritual communities and industries that surround it don’t matter. I shouldn’t be thinking about how I feel about it,…

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  • The Day I Crucified Myself

    Recently I heard they are tearing down one of my high schools and rebuilding it. The new principal is asking alumni to send in stories about their experiences there. Mine happened to be relatively unique, and not particularly peachy. I’m not really an alumni, as I never graduated high school, but my story is a…

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  • The Good Life Revival Interview

    As I have been super busy teaching and doing admin for Rewild Portland, I haven’t done any interviews in a little while. This one was such a pleasure, and I have to say that I think this may be my best interview yet. I really feel proud of this one, and am beaming with gratitude…

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  • The Power Of One

    For no monarchy is so absolute, but it is circumscribed with laws; but when the executive power is in the law-makers, there is no further check upon them; and the people must suffer without a remedy, because they are oppressed by their representatives. If I must serve, the number of my masters, who were born…

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  • The Marks Of Kingly Sovereignty

    It is indeed their interest, who endeavour the subversion of governments, to discourage poets and historians; for the best which can happen to them, is to be forgotten. But such who, under kings, are the fathers of their country, and by a just and prudent ordering of affairs preserve it, have the same reason to…

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  • The Relation Of Art To Nature

    During all the great periods of art able men have striven earnestly to attain a knowledge of character and beauty and to achieve their truthful representation. Even when the purpose of the artist has been to express some specific idea or to record some incident or historical event, the work has lived, not because of…

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