
  • Voting Vs. Rewilding

    Voting, the last bastion of mind control that civilization keeps on many of us anti-civilizationists. I mean, why not vote? All you have to do involves scribbling in a few bubbles and dropping the paper in a box. Voting can’t hurt, right? …Wrong!

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  • Nixtamal And The 24 Hour Taco!

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  • Week… 30-something?

    Oh right. Week 34. Sorry. I have to admit, I haven’t done much hunting and gathering lately. I spend most of my time reading, laying in Penny Scout’s bed and surfing the internet at coffee shops. WTF?

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  • Robots Vs. Rewilding

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  • Week33: Hibernation & Storytelling

    The days have become short. I find it hard to get out of bed in the morning. I crave more protein. I would rather sit around a fire in a warm room and do absolutely nothing but stare into the ashes. But I have things to do.

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  • Derrick Jensen Comes To Portland!

    “Civilization is not and can never be sustainable.” This is the first of fourteen premises in author Derrick Jensen’s revolutionary book Endgame. For the last decade Jensen has written articles and books concerning the problems of civilization and what we must do about them. In Endgame Jensen challenges the values and tactics of some of…

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  • The Lost City of Hotlanta?

    Some of you may have heard of the worst drought in 100 years happening in the S.E. United States. A lot people these days know all about peak oil production, but I remember hearing a few cries in the wilderness claiming we would reach peak water production long before peak oil. Does this drought signify…

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  • Ethics Vs. Rewilding

    Since its inception civilization has created a value system of good vs. evil. The concept of good and evil (or the more scientific “right” and “wrong,” seems to permeate so much of our thought, that we have projected it onto indigenous mythologies as well. “Surely the notion of good and evil comes from human nature,…

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  • Week32: Post-American Apparel

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  • Urban Scout Discovers Cure For Cancer!

    I don’t see any other gentle way of saying this; I have cancer. Don’t freak out now, it won’t kill me. I found out a while ago, but haven’t said anything because I wanted to learn more about it before sharing something this personal with the world. They call it, “basal cell carcinoma.” It refers…

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  • Even Shit Has A Purpose

    I made this in 2002. Old school, yo. [ OAnrYO8wjJE]

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  • Ask Urban Scout #6

    Dear Mr. Scout,How far do you intend to take your journey? Do you see yourself living full time in the wilderness or perhaps roaming the ‘wilderness’ of the burned out remains of industrial world?How many humans do you think the ecosystem can support? I think Jared Diamond reckons it’s around 10 million. That’s a huge…

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