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  • Urban Scout Madlib Contest Winner!

    The grand prize of the Urban Scout Madlib Contest goes too…Snowraven! The classic lines, “Literally fashion underpants and nipple parties to benefit your poodle? In the dungeon of rewilding? And under a “enema” section? I don’t get B12. I really don’t. And I don’t want to,” Won me over. As well as your, “excessively, Douche Train.”…

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  • Ask Urban Scout #9

    Rewilding…sounds great, but I don’t know where, when, or how to start. I created my life goals and direction before I realized where civilization is going and fully developed my hate of it. I’m a college sophomore on track for grad school and then working in early intervention… But now I question this path and…

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  • He’s Said It Before, And He’ll Say It Again…

    I love my friend Jason Godesky. I mean, in a platonic way, of course (no worries Penny Scout!). For me, Ishmael felt like enough to change my mind. I didn’t really need to read anthropological text and work through the civilized bullshit. Though, when it comes time to challenge the civilized I often feel at…

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  • Urban Scout’s First Televised Interview! (1990)

    [youtube hnWI0Xc7h6U] — Show your support and appreciation for Urban Scout

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  • How To Spark Rewilding Cultures

    One day my friend Tony and I decided to see if we could make a bow-drill from scratch at a local park we traveled to often. We played around in the log jam for a few minutes and gathered up all the pieces we needed. All but cordage, which would involve more labor. I knew…

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  • Urban Scout Madlib Contest!

    Remember “Madlibs?” I sure do. Most of the insulting letters I receive bring me back to my childhood with their goofy middle school high-jinks. As a theraputic way of dealing with these letters I have decided to turn them into Madlibs for your enjoyment. Please fill it out and post your version in the comment…

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  • Ask Urban Scout #8

    For everyone who’s actually read DQ’s books or have been exposed to such concepts or views on modern society … how many of them are actually living it out? And to the extent that you do? … pretty fucking cool, I must say – how you live your life. But I have to ask you…

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  • Nuclear Winter Formal 2008!

    **SAVE THE DATE** Urban Scout’s Nuclear Winter Formal Saturday, January 26th 8pm @ Someday Lounge (125 NW 5th Ave, Portland OR) $5-10 sliding scale Urban Scout’s annual Nuclear Winter Formal feels like a prophetic vision, now that Portland recently played host to a nuclear bomb terror drill. With media hype and military drills, the threat…

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  • Weeks38,39: Inconsequential Bullshit

    I have to say, I often feel at a loss when writing the weekly laundry lists. I know I have said this before, but it feels even stronger during these winter months. While everything I do relates to rewilding, and people enjoy reading about my personal struggles, I can’t help but feel bored writing about…

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  • Urban Scout: King of the Rewild Frontier

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  • Week35-36: …You know, chillin’.

    I have spent the last couple weeks getting things ready for the art show in D.C. and writing more of my Born to Rewild book. I finished my camo jacket, brained the raccoon twice… long story. Anywho, no time to type here now. Got other shit to do. I go to D.C. on Monday! —…

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