
  • Design Clearing House

    I have so many design ideas and stupid slogans that I figure I should just get a bunch of them out there. I recently finished these three. Click the pic to go to my store: I made this first one as a two part joke. One because a few hundred people have called me a…

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  • The Future of Civilization? Hmmm…

    WARNING: This film will either make you want to vomit (as in my case) or perhaps laugh yourself silly. It shows exactly the kind of future Science tells us to look forward to… the kind without any ecological systems thinking whatsoever. Please feel free to vent your comments. [youtube V7FVjATcqvc]

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  • Urban Scout’s Rewilding Survey

    In the spirit of Myspace, I wrote up a funny survey to give to you, readers. Please fill it out and post it in the comments below. Extra credit if you can answer using e-prime, but completely unnecessary.

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  • Religion Vs. Rewilding

    Do hunter-gatherers have religion? That question makes about as much sense as asking if hunter-gatherers had language, science or art. Of course they did. Although their religions looked vastly different than the religions (and science & art) that we see today in civilization.

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  • Tendin’ To The Tendons

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  • Jerky Boy

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  • W53

    First, thanks Darrin, Katie, Scot and Christine for your tips! I really appreciate it.

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  • April Rewilding Merchandise

    Every month I put up a new rewilding design on my cafepress store. Click the pic to go to my Ye Olde Anti-Civilization Shoppe:

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  • Urban Scout and The Dead Nettles

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  • How To Age Roadkill 101

    Car culture signifies one of the most wasteful, violent and pollutive parts of civilization; from co2 emissions, fragmenting of habitat through road-building and poisoning of plants and water with toxic metals and the murdering of countless animals and insects. Dying by the wheels of an automobile has no humanity, no respect. Many animals experience a…

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  • Week 52: A Failed Year in Review

    This last week marks my first year as Urban Scout. I have taken some time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t. I have listed my accomplishments and my failures and used that debrief to outline ideas and goals for intensifying my rewilding in the following year. I never made my full plan public,…

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  • Cities Vs. Rewilding

    I can’t help but feel like many people still have purist values when it comes down to understanding rewilding. I often hear people say “if you want to rewild, shouldn’t you go live out in the wilderness!?” Rewilding means un-doing domestication. Cities mark the most domesticated places in the world. Rewilding in the city has…

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