
  • Urban Scout Goes International, This Time in Europe!

    Positive Living Magazine did a write up about me in their latest issue.

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  • Rewilding West Coast Tour!

    Hey Friends, My friend Patrick is organizing a rewild camp tour starting at the end of February 2009. I’m going to help him with this process by utilizing the site and corresponding with regional organizers. My own attendance is rather ambiguous as my freelance job doesn’t give me any idea of what time/money I…

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  • So Long For Now…

    Well, as it turns out, I don’t have the means nor the energy to continue this project. At least not in this form of a blog. My inspiration has waned for keeping this space active for the time at hand. I will still work on projects such as videos and writings and events and classes…

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  • Fellow Rewilder Goes To Jail!

    Finisia, a fellow rewilder who lives in a post-apocalyptic, horse drawn cart, planting back the native plants in the traditional way has found herself in trouble. While planting, a ranger approached her and well, she ended up in jail! What the fuck? Click here to donate to Finisia’s legal fund. From her website: August 16,…

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  • Rewilding Goals

    Now that I have a consistently inconsistent job (again), it means I can’t really keep a weekly blog… Because what I do for money doesn’t relate to rewilding at all (quite the opposite actually). Those weekly blogs have felt like a fucking chore always anyway and I haven’t focused on actual instructional blogs. So now…

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  • W69,70: Back in the Fold

    This week I got my allergy test results back. To celebrate my low reaction to wheat, I went camping with a bunch of friends and ate a bunch of hot dogs and beer. We played around with knapping some beer bottle bottoms. I did a little tracking. Willem found a salt lick. Two helicopters buzzed…

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  • Civilization Vs. Rewilding

    This has felt like the most difficult chapter for me to write. I’ve tried several times and deleted everything. You would assume that writing “Civilization Vs Rewilding” would come very easy, since civilization means the exact opposite of rewilding. Than I got to thinking. Most people don’t know what civilization means. They use the word…

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  • W68: You Can’t Contain Me!

    This week I attended the totally awesome Echoes in Time primitive/pioneer skills gathering just outside of Salem, OR at Willamette Mission State Park. Thanks Dale, Goode and Leland for putting on this gathering!

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  • Everything Vs. Rewilding!

    I got into a fight with a friend who plays music. He thought I had judged him as a musician, thinking that I would eventually “put music under the long list of ‘everything vs. rewilding.’” In a sense, I could see how he (and others) think that by putting something up against rewilding, I mean…

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  • W66,67: Perma-fried

    You make one hippie joke… And the next thing you know a permaculturalist mob pounds on your door ready to burn you at the stake! Sure, I may have articulated my thesis poorly and I didn’t use delicate enough language… But in the end, I won the war. So there!

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  • Tending The Wild

    Native peoples played a major role in the maintenance and enhancement of biological diversity by introducing disturbances that created and maintained mosaics of different vegetation types. These disturbances, caused mainly by burning, were carried out specifically to maintain populations of plants that were gathered for food, cordage, basketry, and other uses and to enhance their…

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  • Permaculture Vs. Rewilding

    *this is an out-dated version of this concept. I’ve revised it off the web and will repost it later.* In the same vain as Primitive Skills Vs. Rewilding, permaculture does not encompass a world view change away from civilization. In fact, I see permaculture more often than not used as an example of how to…

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