
  • Dandelion Wine Prep

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  • Garden Rambo in “Last Frost”

    When I got back from L.A. last week, my yard was exploding with life and new growth. Everything I planted last year survived and is now waking up from its winter slumber. I looked back at my blog from a year ago, and another from a month later to see what progress I can make…

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  • California Knows How to… Rewild?

      What can I say? I love L.A. Yes, it’s a tumorous growth on the flesh of the mother. Yes, it’s a cesspool of everything I hate. Yes, “the only way to fix it is to flush it all away.” And yet… There is so much I love about Los Angeles and I’m not just…

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  • One Great Big Neon Festering Distraction

    One Great Big Neon Festering Distraction

    Here is an idea, let’s just change the sign to say “Fuck the Planet.”

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  • “Urban Survival Tips From a Hipster in a Loin Cloth”

    (sound) magazine, a Seattle-based NW music magazine gave me a soap box. If you live in Seattle, pick up a copy! If not, read the digital version here: Special thanks to Paige Richmond, Mark Baumgarten & Kristen Truax! It is such an honor to be in a magazine with The Thermals (probably my favorite…

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  • Ask Urban Scout: Rewilding Schools?

    What up scout! A while ago I think I saw on your website that you were recommending some sort of all-encompassing, 9 month post–apocalyptic survival school based in the Portland area? If I recall, you were featured as an occasional instructor. I’m pretty sure I didn’t hallucinate this, but I can’t find any evidence of…

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  • Film Ideas

    Years ago I created and facilitated an open-mic style video screening in Portland called Broadcast. It ran almost monthly for about 5 years. I stopped it almost 5 years ago now, and for the last couple of weeks I have felt the need to revive it. I love the art of filmmaking, and while I…

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  • Vision or Dream?

    I never understood the difference between ones “dreams” and ones “vision.” I remember hearing Tom Brown Jr. exclaim at one of his classes that his dream was to go live with his family away in the woods and never talk to people again, but that his vision, to write and teach people made him stay…

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  • Civilized Barriers to Primitive Living

    So you want to live like a hunter-gatherer, huh? In order to do that we need to remove the barriers civilization has in place to stop us from rewilding. If we wish to remove these barriers that prevent us from easily rewilding, we must first identify them. The following list shows many of the barriers…

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  • Not A Penny To My Name

    A lot of things have changed since the last time I posted an inconsequential blog, so here goes; I’m broke, single and living back with my parents in Molalla. I haven’t written in a while because I feel like I have nothing to say at the moment, but I know I have lots. For the…

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  • “Energy Crisis” Vs. Rewilding

    I keep hearing people say we’ve got an energy crisis. This carries a few bullshit premises. The most obvious premise here: that we need “energy.” Why do we need energy? What does it do that’s so fucking important? Humans lived for millions of years without electricity. Indigenous hunter-gatherers had no need to create it. It…

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  • Hipsters Vs Rewilding

    Can everyone shut the fuck up about “hipsters” already? I’m so fucking sick of that word. The whole subject seriously bores the shit out of me and yet I constantly have to defend myself from people who call me that word as though it suddenly makes everything I have done to further rewilding insincere or…

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