
  • In the Pines

    In the Pines

    These last two weeks I have been settling into this little pine forest at the edge of the meadow, where our primitive camp is located. It was a surprisingly long adjustment. All of my fellow clan mates have been furiously working on our buckskin clothes. We have two weeks to complete our full on outfits…

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  • Program Update: Basket Week

    Program Update: Basket Week

    Today was the last day of my basket class at Lynx Vilden’s Living Wild School. So many of us here this week are staying on for the summer immersion program and the prehistoric project as well. I have really enjoyed everyone’s company and am looking forward to getting to know everyone on a deeper level…

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  • Secret Rewild Haven

    Secret Rewild Haven

    “Welcome, oh traveller, to the secret Rewild Haven. Come, sit by my fire.”

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  • Preparation Weeks 3/4 of 4

    Preparation Weeks 3/4 of 4

    Well, I sort of screwed the pooch on keeping my preparations documented here, but so it goes. I’ve been ridiculously busy wrapping up things with Rewild Portland to make us secure without my presence. As well as other random things. I feel pretty unprepared for the whole thing, but I know it will work out.…

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  • Rewilding: Take it to the Hoop!

    Rewilding: Take it to the Hoop!

    Finisia Medrano is a catalyst of rewilding. She is living on “the hoop” and planting back native gardens.

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  • Program Fears and Concerns

    Program Fears and Concerns

    Everyone I have talked to who has been through Lynx Vilden’s stone age immersion program has had good things to say about it. Not that it didn’t have its challenges, but that they are worth it. Ever since I signed up I’ve been having little fears pop up about it. Here is the list: IBS…

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  • Preparation Week 2 of 4

    Preparation Week 2 of 4

    There are three weeks left before I head out to Lynx Vilden’s prehistoric immersion program. I delved into a few deer hides this week and started “bucking” them. This involves soaking the hides in an alkaline solution. I bought a bag of hydrated lime from the local hardware store. I didn’t want to use lye…

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  • Preparation Week 1 of 4

    Preparation Week 1 of 4

    I’ve got only 4 weeks left until I head out to Lynx Vilden’s stone age immersion program. I have to show up there with a minimum of 6 brain-tanned deer hides in order to make an entire outfit to wear during the program. Tanning hides is not something I have done too much of. I’ve…

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  • SE Examiner Article “Rewilding and Surviving”

    SE Examiner Article “Rewilding and Surviving”

    Portland paper the SE Examiner wrote a story about the work I do. Click the pic below to check out the article:

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  • My Talk at Washington College

    My Talk at Washington College

    Here is the video of my recent talk at Washington College’s Locavore Lit Fest.

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  • Chinook History & Ancestral Skills @ Shining Star Waldorf

    Chinook History & Ancestral Skills @ Shining Star Waldorf

    Today my friend Eric and I went to the third grade class at Shining Star Waldorf school in Portland. They are learning about the Chinook Indians and since my friend who works there knew that I know Chinuk Wawa, she called me to see about coming in and teaching the kids a little bit about…

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  • Bow Drill Fire Demo at Washington College

    Bow Drill Fire Demo at Washington College

    “As part of the second annual Locavore Lit Fest at Washington College, Rewild Portland Executive Director Peter Bauer (Urban Scout) demonstrates how to use makeshift materials to create a bow drill for starting a fire. His work examines assumptions about civilized culture and stresses the importance of our relation to food in an industrialized society.”

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