Book Review: “The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations”

The Starfish and the Spider feels like an anecdotal book about decentralization. Written for stupid corporate fat cats, the book can feel rather sluggish and boring at times; talking about making profits and technology. But overall the idea of decentralization comes across pretty well, even if it leaves you feeling unsatisfied in terms of its practical use in the real world. How does one translate the idea into a reality? That’s not really the purpose of this book. It sort of peters out towards the end as it more or less tries to explain how to create hybrid organizations out of classic corporate models (BARF!!!). I really enjoyed the parts about the Apache and the ALF, and I recommend checking it out for those parts alone!

One response to “Book Review: “The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations””

  1. Your review of the book reminds me so much of my reaction to so many books I’ve read. The worst was the peak oil book I read, full of great ideas, but then peters out at the end and having no real solutions or applicability.